Marinel Tinnirello

Creative Technologist

Game Designer / Developer

XR Specialist

Full Stack Engineer

Transdisciplinary Researcher

Marinel Tinnirello

Creative Technologist

Game Designer / Developer

XR Specialist

Full Stack Engineer

Transdisciplinary Researcher

Actual 4377

  • Roles: Creator ○ "Programmer"
  • Class: CMPT 331
  • Categories: Research
See Demo

What is Actual 4377?

Actual 4377 (pronounced “Actual Hell”) is an evil, complex, old-school, object-oriented, and strongly type-(un)safe esoteric, conceptual programming language made for Marist University's CMPT 331 class. It uses a simplistic version of leetspeak in all of its base keywords and combines the worst aspects of its inspired languages. It's forged from the likes of Fortran, COBOL, and a little of C++.

CMPT 331, "Theory of Programming", is an undergraduate course at Marist University and is a concentration course for CS majors. The course focuses on how programming languages are organized, as well as formally studying and analysing them. Throughout the semester, we delved into 5 procedural and 5 functional languages to see how they varied, as well as performed lexical analysis via lambda calculus. This was to prepare us for our final project, writing our own language.

Actual 4377 been featured in Dr. Labouseur's Hall of Fame for future iterations of the class to view.


  • Create a theoretical programming language by writing a design doc on its structure, syntax, rulesets, and example programs.
  • Show how this language's grammar and syntax differs from the languages it originates from.
  • Write example programs in this language.
  • Make this language as user-unfriendly and unreadable as possible in a short amount of time.

Creative Process

  • Create my own language.
  • Get a perfect score and into Dr. Labouseur's Hall of Fame.
  • Needs to include recursion to execute some of the example programs.
  • Make as user-unfriendly as possible.
  • Anger as many people as possible when they read this.
  • Somehow less wordy and more verbose from the original languages, but is way harder to read.
  • Requires indentation, brackets, and semicolons.
  • No main() function.
  • Includes an Overflow library
  • Gave myself 4 days to work on this.
  • 1 person with a lot of other work on their plate.
  • COBOL and Fortran.
  • Doubles are the devil's floating point and Strings are the devil's characters.

1) What languages are incredibly tough to read on their own and how can combining them make this infinitely worse?

2) What personal flare could I add to make this near unreadable and only barely functional?

Thought Process

Since these are some of the oldest programming languages and when I 1st wrote them I definitely struggled with (more so with COBOL), I decided that these 2 would be the worst to mix by sheer syntax. Some C++ was added namely to allow easier overflow and recursion. During my research, I found that Fortran 90 and above had solutions for recursion, but that looked awful to implement, so I took some liberties and wrote that aspect as you’d expect to see in C++.


One of my professor’s 1st comments was “Oh, leetspeak…”. Everyone else who’s seen it (some reviews are on the 2nd page) have derided the decision. So all in all, it worked out.

Description of what the general setup for the "language" is like.

Thought Process

It’s not enough to simply choose 2 tough languages, I had to go further. So writing in leetspeak it was! In truth, I could’ve went for more complex leetspeak, but given the constraints and the fact that I didn’t want to had me leave it to solely number replacements for letters.


My professor was perplexed by me choosing the hardest languages. Most other people who’ve read this are blessed with not knowing what leetspeak is, so they just flat out can’t read this doc. Those that can really had to sit down and think.

Thought Process

Seeing every poor, conscious choice made above, the doc would need to have absolutely superb formatting to, if not make the code easier to read, then at least prettier. Given that this language was meant to be as user-unfriendly as possible, what was and wasn’t available needed to be explicitly detailed in this doc, with ample examples. And since COBOL and Fortran are such old languages, C++ was brought in to somewhat clean up and fill in some modern gaps.


My professor, while commenting on what he did like, did give the comment that this is incredibly unreadable.

Snippet of a Merge Sort function.
Snippet of a Caesar Cipher function.
Snippet of a Blackjack function.

Overall, this project was an absolute success. I received a perfect score, affirmation of this being a chaotic evil language (apparently another student created a D&D-based language), and I was asked for this to be displayed in my professor’s hall of fame. Everyone who read this considered this a nightmare, which was the exact goal. I feel proud that such a beast exists.


Here are multiple related links to the project: