Marinel Tinnirello

Creative Technologist

Game Designer / Developer

XR Specialist

Full Stack Engineer

Transdisciplinary Researcher

Marinel Tinnirello

Creative Technologist

Game Designer / Developer

XR Specialist

Full Stack Engineer

Transdisciplinary Researcher


  • Roles: Engineer ○ Puzzle Designer
  • Competition: Global Game Jam 2020, Republic Polytechnic Singapore
  • Categories: Hardware ○ Games
See Demo

What is Optimo?

Optimo is a physical-based puzzle game made for Global Game Jam 2020 in Singapore, where you follow directions in order to "fix a robot". The player ("debugger") has to push buttons and pull switches until an animation indicates that the robot has been fixed.

Optimo was featured during the Global Game Jam 2021's keynote address. (Timestamp: 3:42).


  • Build out all connections inside the box.
  • Retrofit components to be grafted onto the box.
  • Link up components to their functionalities and sequence.
  • Make sure player instructions to reach the goal are clearly defined.

Creative Process

  • Create a physical puzzle box while planning connection layouts on the fly.
  • Use at least 70% of the materials we bought.
  • Tactile feedback incorporated into gameplay.
  • Colorful instruction manual.
  • Only have 2 days to work on the project.
  • Didn't have access to cutting tools, only basic adhesives.

1) How do we make the puzzle box?

2) How will players know that they’re making progress?

Thought Process

Once we decided we wanted to try our hand at a physical game, we mapped out some general actions we’d like the player to perform. It had been about 1 month since I landed in Singapore, and a number of my weekends were spent hanging out in Sim Lim (an electronics gold mine), so once they opened up the next day, we’d head over and pick up some parts. From the jam site, it was an hour to and from Sim Lim, so we tried to keep our browsing to a minimum. Most components we picked up ranged from various types of buttons, switches, levers, and an LED screen. Just in case we had the time, we also picked up a few other eccentric components, including a heat pad and gyroscope. The last piece we bought at Sim Lim was a box to house all the components.

However, we didn’t have any cutting tools, so we instead asked the folks who ran the store we went if they’d be willing to cut out holes in the box. Seeing as we just bought the components and didn’t have a lot of time to plan, we had to make some guesses as to what pieces would end up where, and mark some extra holes, should there be any other external components we could fit. In the meantime while they cut the box, we journeyed to other department stores near Sim Lim to find some adhesive. We settled on a putty-like substance henceforth referred to as “blue gum”.

When we got back to the jam site much later in the day, we spent the remainder of the night wiring as many components as we could to the Arduino and retrofitting them on or in the box. We took a small reprieve and spent the rest of the jam trying to use as many of the components as we could, following the documentation on the Arduino site.


We were able to reach our goal of using 70% of our materials, save for the more eccentric pieces due to time constraints. Our guesses for the cuts allowed our components to, for the most part, slot into the box without too much hassle. There was enough wiggle room inside to place all the components, however, the wiring was an absolute nightmare. We had to redo multiple connections several times, since the copper wasn’t reaching each other. Said blue gum was able to cover up most of our wiring mistakes so none would accidentally collide with a piece that it shouldn’t, as well as filled any holes for unused components.

Plans drawn up for potential puzzles or configurations to solve.
In-progress wiring and stuffing of the inside of the box.

Thought Process

Because of how abstract our puzzle game was, we knew we had to have very thorough directions to actually have the game be playable. To both keep with the theming of “fixing a robot’s brain”, as well as generally document what the steps were, we made a manual to show each and every step, detailing what is expected to happen. The next part was showing movement on the actual puzzle box. After completing a certain task, the LED screen would activate, and would show more movement for the players to be engaged, eventually showing a fireworks animation upon completion.


The manual provided a flair to an already unique game entry. When the players reached the LED screen animations, their faces lit up and felt that real progress was being made to fix this “robot’s brain”.

Manual page showcasing how and what to expect for the LED screen.
Final product at the end of the jam.

We were able to complete our personal goals of having 70% of our materials work, as well as offering a finished product within the 2 day limit. I would be interested in crafting another physical entry for a jam in the future, hopefully this time actually having my own set of cutting tools to save time.

Our game gained a lot of traction, both on-site, and in general, being presented in the Global Game Jam 2021 Keynote.


  • Samuli Jaaskelainen: Programmer, Puzzle Designer
  • Win Zaw: Artist


Here are multiple related links to the project: