Marinel Tinnirello

Game Designer ○ Computer Scientist

Experience Where I've Worked

  • ScanScapes

    Generalist Engineer

    As a Generalist Engineer, I worked between multiple roles, from gameplay, to UI, and even networking. From prototyping to final product, I implemented new features as well as updated and consolidated existing ones.

    Responsibilities include:
    • Prototyped and finalized active gameplay experiences in ARTscapes.
    • Used Unity's Photon framework for multiplayer interaction in ARTscapes.
    • Created diagetic UI to be displayed in AR for both ARTscapes and Eventscapes (featured in Versapay's expo for ARTscapes).
    • Parsed JSONs from Metals-API to grab current market info on precious metals for Drop.
    • Performed search and save queries in Firebase for Eventscapes.

  • inCitu

    XR Engineer

    As an XR Engineer, I was responsible for creating the web AR version of inCitu's app, scanning locations on-site to be created as meshes for users to scan, and collaborating with Niantic to use their VPS frameworks and notify them of any bugs encountered. I was able to create a more compact version of their current iOS application.

    Responsibilities include:
    • Created an interactive, holographic experience with Cortana using a Looking Glass display and Ultra Leap controller, as well as a brain-controller interface.
    • Worked with Niantic’s beta VPS spatial anchoring framework, scanning wayspot locations as well as reporting any bugs to the development team.

  • MIT Media Lab

    XR Engineer

    As an XR Engineer, I was responsible for the engineering side of the holographic display project. The project was created as a proof-of-concept for holographic displays and interactions.

    Responsibilities include:
    • Created web AR experiences to display buildings being constructed, both on-site locations and off-site using 8th Wall.
    • Shown as an exhibit at the MIT Museum and shown off to one of the co-creators of the Halo TV series.

  • Freelance

    Computer Consultant

    As a Freelancer, I jump from hardware to software-related tasks for clients. From issues as simple as PC repairs to more long term projects such as consulting on design frameworks necessary for games or multiple programming or application review sessions.

    Responsibilities include:
    • Led international computer maintenance business with hundreds of clients.
    • Designed and built custom computer infrastructure for customers.
    • Consulting clients about game design pipeline using Unity and Unreal for cross-platform development in C\#, C++, Java, or Python.

  • Halcyox

    Software Engineer, UI/UX Engineer

    As a member of Halcyox, I work with several other developers to create various implementations of interfaces for the usage of AI. We create content that makes AI more engaging and accessible to a general audience, as well as work towards demystifying and democratizing access to AI.

    Responsibilities include:
    • Key member of multinational team to scale awareness of and foster a culture change to adapt to usage of super-intelligent AI technologies.
    • Developed software for automatic script and video content generation for enterprise use cases utilizing GPT-3 for production at scale.
    • Creating new types of interfaces to utilize AI symbiotically with human intention.

  • Georgia State University

    REU Research Assistant

    I was selected to join GSU's Immersive Media Computing REU, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, for 8 weeks of undergraduate research. There, I worked with Dr. Ying Zhu to create a proof-of-concept for injury-aware game design, creating a game, tool, and user studies. The paper was published for the EAI ArtsIT 2021 conference, sponsored by the EU and Springer.


    Responsibilities include:
    • Rapidly prototyped keylogger and item count logger, pushing data to Google Sheets at runtime.
    • Created simple game to showcase temporal-spatial tool.
    • Crafted user studies to gauge effectiveness of the tool to players and designers.
    • Authored a paper and created a poster conveying the results at the end of the program.

  • Tutoring at Various Schools

    Teaching Assistant

    I started out as an assistant in Marist College's Programming Lab, helping both undergraduate and graduate students with various problems in the CS classes, as well as being the sole game developer tutor there. This eventually grew into my position working in Marist's pre-college CS program with the local Newburgh enlarged city school district. There, I was the sole CS teaching assistant, tutoring high school sophomores and giving lectures to other levels in the program.

    Responsibilities include:
    • Tutoring students in concepts and principles of CS.
    • Reviewing students' code to make sure it is functional.
    • Worked with Python, Java, C++, SQL, JavaScript, Arduino, and data structures. (Marist)
    • Teaching concepts not covered in the course (GUIs, ethics, game development, etc.). (NESCD)
    • Assigning projects for groups to work on. (NESCD)

  • Speaker


    I've been invited to be a speaker at various conferences, with talks primarily focused on research on accessibility and game design, as well as general DIY culture.

    Research Talks:
    • "Injury-Aware Game Design" - EAI ArtsIT 2021
    • "Level Design for Body-based Controllers" - NYC Women in Computing 2021

    • "Maker Surprise!" - NYC Women in Computing 2021

  • Volunteer


    I've been invited to be a volunteer at various events.

    • GDC Conference 2022